Sunday, April 8, 2007

AA1 - Week 6 - Accoustic Guitar recording

This week was definately the most fun i have had with one of my assignments! Working in a group, for once we got everything right.

The pictures and recordings prety much explain them selves,but i will put a brief explanation for each of them anyway.

Guitar Recording #1:

Using a Neumann U89I for the first four,the first recording i pointed it angled up at the sound hole, so as to get a much deeper sound with a lot of bass. Very basic and standard sound. Nothing too special. I wouldn't have used it for a good recording.

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Guitar Recording #2:

This time i had it pointing at the 14th - 16th frets on the neck. This sound had much less bass, but was a litle bit tinny to me.

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Guitar Recording #3:

This time i had the microphone pointing angled down at the sound hole. Unfortunately i could not actually hear any difference from the first recording.

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Guitar Recording #4:

For this recoridng i had the microphone placed across the other side of the dead room, approx. 1.5 meters away. The sound wasn't clear at all and you could hear a lot of background noise. This was my least favourite of the recordings.

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Guitar Recording #5:

For the last recording i used two Rhode NT5 microphones set up the the XY position infront of the sound hole. This was definately my favourite recording of the five, giving a much richer sound without too much bass.

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Overall i had a really fun time recording these sounds, and i can definately see how they will be useful in the future.

1 comment:

Simon Whitelock said...

yo! that is seriously trippy country western ghetto rock ;)