Sunday, April 1, 2007

AA1 - Week 5 - Introduction to microphones

This week we had to record five different sound techniques using ifferent microphones/settings on microphones. For my recordings i chose to use two different mics; AKG Condenser mic and the Shure SM 58 Dynamic mic. I used these microphones set up in front of a radio, moving them around to get different sounds.

First Recording:
This recording i used the Shure SM 58 dynamic mic and simply moved it from side to side in front of the radio as it was recording. You can tell that the input gets louder as the microphone moves closer to the speaker, thats just logic, but you can also hear the better quality of the sound as the microphone moves closer as well.

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Second Recording:
This time i did exactly the same thing with the mic, as in moving it from side to side infront of the radio again, but instead i used a different mic; the AKG Condenser mic, and chose a different radio station. I also had it set on the cartiod setting at the back of the microphone. The sound was pretty much the same as with the first recording, although somewhat milder.

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Third recording
This time i used the AKG mic again, chose a different radio station, and had it set onto the Hyper Cartiod setting at the mabck of the mic. This time I, firstly, had it close to the radio, pulled it away, turned it 90 degrees, brang it back close to the radio, turned it 90 degrees again, and kept repeating that. This sound also turned out to be quite mild when listening to it afterwards.

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Fourth recording
For my fourth recording I, once again, used the AKG mic, but had it changed to the omni setting on the back of the mic. This time. after changing the radio station, i simply moved the mic close to the radio then pulled it away again, repeating this pprocess for 5 seconds. This had a similar effect to the third recording.

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Fifth Recording:
For my last recording i used the AKG and used the last setting on the back of the mic, the figure of eight. Whilst recording on a new radio station i held the mic infront of the speaker and simply turned it on the spot. YOu could notic where it wasn't picking up as much sound in the weak spots.

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Overall, after learning the hard way from recording the paper noises, i found this exercise quite easy and fun.

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