Sunday, March 4, 2007

Forum 1 - week 1 - Introduction

For the first week of our forum, after going through the course outline and everyone introducing themselves, we learnt that we were to do a presentation in groups about a topic given to us. I was chose, along with three other classmates, to do a presentation on "Can you tell the difference?" relating to gender in music technology. Over the next couple of weeks we are going to be watching some example presentations, given by the teachers, then we will be moving on to working on our own in our groups. We then moved on to having a class discussiong, mostly asking questions about what was involved in the course. I enjoyed talking with the class, I felt it gave everyone an opportunity to have their say. It was also a good opportunity to get to know everyone better as it was only our first week together.
Lastly, the other music technology forum class came into our room and we had another opportunity to meet some more people. After spending some more time asking questions and talking to each other, we were allowed to leave.


Ben said...
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Ben said...

I believe we are to work on our stupid forum topics individually. Did I say stupid? I meant stupid.

Sanad said...