Dirty Dancing Minutes 02:40 - 05:21
Sound scene:
Set in 1963. Mostly natural sounds, not much foley or sound effects. "Big Girls Don't Cry" playing in background.
Diegetic sounds:
> Sister complaining to father, and father telling her off, mother calming her down. Conversation about what defines a tragedy.
> Focuses on gamesman talking through a held microphones (03:26)
> Owner walking up and talking to guests (03:40)
> Luggage man taking luggage out of car (03:59)
> Focuses on dancing feet in dance class after guests have arrived
> Women instructing dance class calling out rules to dancers
Non- Diegetic sounds:
> Car pulling up in background which camera focuses on hotel
> Doors closing offscreen
> Music playing from loudspeakers throughout the hotel grounds
> Gamesman and commentator on loudspeaker in background
> Birds singing
> Guests walking around and talking (also movement noises)
> Sound of luggage being removed from cars around them.
> Hotel onwers' body noises
> Merangae music starts in background just before moving to dance class scenes.
> Women directing dance class in offscreen as focuses on dancers trying to dance
> Body movement noises during dance class (shuffling feet etc.)
> Women laughing at instructer's jokes.
> Accentuated car doors opening and closing
> louder luggage noises
> Feet louder in dance class
> Body movement whilst getting out of car.
Family travelling in a car to a hotel for a holiday. Starts with main character (yougest daughter) explaining what was happening, the era, etc. Oldest daughter start complaining that she hasn't brought enough pairs of shoes with her. Mother tries to calm her down. Father and youngest daughter explain that it wasn't a tragedy. Owner walks up to welcome them and tell them to go to a wonderful dance class.
Not many effects due to the era that the movie was made. Mostly just accentuated noises for things such as the car pulling up off screen, car doors opening and closing, background talking, and the luggage being taken out of the car (also offscreen).
Overall a pretty simple couple of scenes, but helped me learn what to look for.
1 comment:
Dirty Dancing? How about a manly film like...
Star Wars. ;)
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